almond jack
New litter expected
Örömünkre szolgál hírt adni, hogy december közepére várjuk Rubel és Cindy kiskutyáit. Az alomból...
Fran is our successful junior
Fran, a kivételes kiskutya, ragyogott a 2023-as World Dog Show-n, ahol elnyerte a World Hope...
New litter expected
We are pleased to announce that we are expecting puppies from Rubel and Cindy by mid-December. Puppies from the litter will be available, and they can move to their new homes in March after receiving all their vaccinations, necessary deworming, and the microchip has been implanted.
Fran is our successful junior
Fran, the exceptional puppy, shone at the 2023 World Dog Show, where he won the title of World Hope Winner, meaning he was the most beautiful puppy in the competition. Following this unparalleled achievement, Fran continued his success by winning the Puppy Best in Show (BIS)..
Mango's international successes
Mango, our beautiful terrier, achieved incredible success in 2023 by winning the Montgomery National Terrier Show held in the USA. In this renowned event, which serves as a competition ground for the world's finest terriers, Mango stood out among the other 62
Office Hours
Daily – 9:30 am to 6:30 pm
Sunday – 08:00 am to 11:30 am
Holidays – 08:00 am to 3:00 pm