Natalia Vitez - Hungary

Almond Shape Jack

Meet our female dogs!

The beautiful and healthy male dogs of ours are internationally renowned.

If you're looking for a healthy, beautiful Jack Russell Terrier puppy, you're in the right place with us!
We breed our dogs with a carefully selected genetic background to ensure the birth of healthy, happy puppies
Our dogs take care of our well-established reputation over the years and the trust of our satisfied customers
Ensuring that every dog has excellent health and a superb temperament
We invest time in the early socialization of the puppies. We treat them as family members, passing on this love to their new owners

About us
Vitéz Natália vagyok, Jack Russell terrier tenyésztő, az Almond Shape Jack Kennel alapítója és tulajdonosa.
Győrújbaráton élünk ahol hosszú évek óta foglalkozunk russell terrierekkel. Kutyáink családtagok, együtt élnek velünk. Igyekszünk nagy gondot fordítani az egészségükre, állandó állatorvosi ellenőrzésekkel valamint a legmagasabb színvonalú tápálékokkal .
Kis kennel vagyunk, ahol nem születik sok alom, évente maximum 1-2, a mennyiség helyett próbáljuk a hangsúlyt a minőségre helyezni.
Kutyáinkat szűrjük a fajtára jellemző betegségekre, hogy minimalizáljuk a későbbi problémákat és hosszú, boldog életük lehessen!
Amennyiben szeretnének tőlünk kiskutyát, kérem, hogy küldjenek rövid bemuatkozó levelet, hiszen fontosnak tartom, hogy minden csöppség a legmegfelelőbb gazdihoz kerüljön!
John (known as "Jack") Russell (1795-1883) named the breed. In 1819, he purchased a female Fox Terrier named "Trump" for his home in Oxford. She is considered the ancestor of all living Jack Russell Terriers and Parson Russell Terriers today. Despite its British origins, the breed in its present form primarily traces back to Australia, where it was mainly bred. The reason for this is mainly related to its field of application. The Jack Russell Terrier is a typical hunting dog, and its ancestors were used during fox hunts in Australia. This became necessary when English immigrants brought two foxes to the fifth continent around 1850, but the native Dingoes were not attractive enough for hunters. In the absence of natural predators, the foxes began to multiply rapidly, prompting the call for their control.
The hunting dogs quickly became sought after due to their small size, allowing them to fit into fox-occupied rabbit or wombat burrows while being capable of covering longer distances. In contrast to the longer-legged Parson Russell Terriers, the short-legged Jack Russell Terriers gained an advantage. The official history of Jack Russells began in 1972 with the establishment of the "Jack Russell Terrier Club of Australia." The influence of Australia remains the strongest on the breed. The breed's popularity also owes a lot to the American TV series "Frasier," where Moose, the dog appearing in 192 episodes, became a true Hollywood star. Jack Russell Terriers are still used today in fox, badger, or groundhog hunting. Thanks to their friendly nature, they are becoming increasingly popular as family or companion dogs.
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Although the appearance of small-sized Jack Russell Terriers is very cute, inside hides a diligent hunter. Unfortunately, this combination often results in underestimating the breed's need for exercise. The dogs are very lively, active, and lounging on the couch is not characteristic of them. Their spirited behavior also manifests in strong willpower. While the breed is generally considered child-friendly, caution is advised, especially with young children. What this small dog needs, besides consistency, is movement, movement, and more movement! Unlike other dogs, if it had the opportunity for proper socialization in its puppyhood, it is generally open, but if it encounters small animals or cats, especially those outside its "family," the hunting instinct may prevail. A well-balanced Jack Russell Terrier brings a lot of joy to its two-legged companion: friendly, open, fearless, and diligent.
Is the Jack Russell Terrier a good fit for me?
Is your lifestyle active, and do you enjoy spending time outdoors? Then the Jack Russell Terrier might be the perfect companion for you! A well-trained individual can also make an excellent family dog. Long walks, jogging, playing with children – this little family member willingly joins in all the action! For those who prefer smaller circles, opt for a calmer dog breed, as a Jack Russell Terrier always needs to be physically tired out. Do you already have another pet at home? If the Terrier has been acquainted with cats since puppyhood, they can become great friends. However, caution is advised when these passionate "hunters" and potential "prey" share the same roof. It is suitable for novice dog owners only if they have thoroughly researched the breed, its needs, especially in terms of proper training. Breed clubs, local breeders, and, of course, experienced Jack Russell enthusiasts can serve as valuable sources of information.

Expertise, experience

Our kennel has been committed to quality for many years. Our experience and expertise allow us to breed dogs that gain international recognition. The winners are not only a result of excellent genetic heritage but also of the care and training that each of our dogs receives. The results speak for themselves, and we are confident that by choosing our kennel, you will have a dog of outstanding quality and a winner.
Feeding and Care
Socialization and Training
Selected pairs from international kennels

We carefully select the pairs to ensure that the genetic background of the puppies is healthy, and they possess the best possible traits.

Reviews about us
"The kennel's dogs are truly impressive! They are healthy, beautiful, and well-balanced."
"The tenyésztő tudása és szenvedélye hihetetlen, és a kutyák ismeretlenül is barátságosak és kedvesek voltak.„
„Nem lehetnék boldogabb a választásunkkal! Kennelükből vittünk haza egy kiskutyát, aki azóta családtag lett. Nagyon hálásak vagyunk.”

Almond Jack
+36 30 357-8090